Tuesday, September 18, 2007


The Kallah (bride) and Chatan (groom) traditionally fast for 24 hours before the wedding and restrain themselves from seeing each other for 1 week prior to the ceremony. Michaels father will be officating. We have designated an area of the garden that has a pergola that will function as the Chuppah which symbolizes the home - open on all sides as to invite community and a covering that symbolizes the covering of God's love and grace. Both the bride and groom will be escoted to under the Chuppah by their father and mother. The mothers will break a plate symbolizing the broken relationship between the home of the original family. The breaking of the glass by the groom is to signify that just as broken glass is never able to be completely repaired, neither is a broken marriage. This is to instill accountability for the committment vows. These vows are in the form of a Drashala - or charge of challenge committments to each other and God. The reading and signing of the Ketubah (marriage contract) is done before the ceremony. Callie would like the Ketubah to be designed by her sister Rachelle who is an artist. The ceremony will end with an announcement and blowing of the Shofar (Ram's horn). Of course there are many other elements to consider, but this is a sneek preview into the event slated for June 28, 2008.

1 comment:

Victoria E said...

Thanks for posting a link to my Eco-Links section on my site :) I hope it proves to be more than useful.